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Whats the T on Tea Rinses? Get your grow on with this antioxidant rich regimen!

Tea rinses are a simple solution to a tough problem, Hair fall. We all experience normal hair fall due to new growth on a daily basis . But sometimes this hair shedding can become excessive and out right frightening. A simple solution to the problem? Tea rinses.

Whats so great about Tea Rinses?

A tea rinse can be easily put together with a cup of water and loose leaf tea. We can take it a step further by adding specific herbs and oils into your tea rinses to boost hair growth, soothe scalp itch, balance PH or simply strengthen hair between washes. A tea rinse is a universal care technique for natural hair divas that helps boost shine, provide moisture and boost blood flow to promote hair growth. Some healing herbs that can be combined are:

Green tea: Antioxidant rich / Boosts Hair Growth

Lavender: Balances natural oil production on the scalp.

Black Tea: Increases thickness

Calendula: Moisturizes and restores strands

Chamomile: Natural moisturizer

Comfrey: Stimulates Hair growth

Sage: Provides Shine

Hops : Reduces hair fall

Some Naturals prefer to use the tea rinse as a in- between wash and go spritz, a full hair rinse or an overnight soak combined with a oil sealant for deep conditioning. Please be aware that sometimes tea rinses can be drying to curly hair. Always pair your rinse with a preferred oil like olive oil, Sweet almond or Jojoba to prevent over drying.Everyone’s hair is different so the same process won’t be for every natural , you must find the best way suitable for your type of hair.

I prefer using my tea rinses as a light strengthening and PH balancing treatment to help with my excessive Sebum build up. I combine 1 cup of Green tea, Black tea and Calendula hot tea with 1/2 cup of Apple cider vinegar with 2 tblspoons of olive oil . with my hair in sections and twist i dip my ends first after priming with Jamaican black castor oil and proceed to pour the remaining liquid over my stands and scalp. Massage scalp for 15 minutes and place a Plastic cap and sit for additional 20-30 minutes. Then rinse. Seal in the antioxidant rich moisture with your favorite hair sealant. We prefer our Scrubtious Inc Fenugreek Hibiscus growth oil.

Your hair will truly love this natural boost of TLC . We currently have two types of premixed hair tea rinses available on our site in Rejuvenate and Grow / Soothing each 5 oz Bag of loose leaf herbal blend is accompanied with a reusable muslin bag for steeping .

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