Shipping Information

Shipping Cost May very based on the weight of the items at the time of shipment. All or most of our containers for scrubs, Butters, Hair marmalade or bath salts are glass and weight more. our shipping cost are based on the US postal systems rate and may very at peek seasonal times or during inclement weather.

Ground — $5 flat rate
2nd Day — $21 flat rate
Overnight – $34 flat rate

we are not responsible for items that are broken once the shipping container is open.

Shipping & Returns


Easy Returns & Exchanges

All product can be easy returned or exchanged by contacting Scrubtious Inc at or returning items to the address below:

Scrubtious Inc
2035 N. Nestor Avenue
Compton, Ca 90222

All times returned apply to normal US shipping rates. Items may not be returned once the seal has been broken or if an item of glass has broken.