Onion and Garlic Oil: Can it stop Hair shedding ?

Onion and Garlic have been used as dietary supplements in multiple culture for centuries. Our close relation to Aryuvedic care lead us to explore the wanders of Onion and Garlic for hair growth. Rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties, the use of onion for hair truly helps keeps hair loss at bay. Combined with garlic a powerful boost of sulfur rich nutrition is unleashed onto the scalp and hair follicles.

Both Onion and Garlic are high in sulfur output, sulfur plays a major role in hair care as it acts as a building block for Keratin, Which is the core nutrient that makes your hair and nails grow. Boosting sulfur levels in hair can help to strengthen hair roots and strands allowing for strong and healthy hair growth and thicker shinier hair strands. Onion and Garlic are amazing antibacterial oils and help fight infections of the scalp. this in turn helps reduces hair fall as scalp infections can cause devastating set backs and massive hair loss.Natural potent antioxidants present in Onion and Garlic help to reverse the effects of premature graying, dandruff and scalp acne. The blend of these oils also improves blood circulation, Increases volume to hair and reduces hair loss while detangling.

Most worry about the smell of the combination of Garlic and Onion lingering , However making a Oil or Hair rinse with the two does impart a slight scent but nothing that can not be shampooed out of hair during your normal washday routine.

Onion and Garlic oil or Juice Treatments are to primarily be used to treat the scalp as this is where these treatments will do its their best work. Using coconut oil or Olive oil while massaging scalp will allow for easier penetration of these amazing nutrients into the hair follicles and scalp. Your hair will benefit from Vitamins C, B2 , Manganese and B12 , turning your hair into a nutrition sponge, increasing circulation in your scalp and promoting healthy hair growth by preventing hair loss and balding, Using the two is an effective solution to wanted longer, stronger and Healthier hair. Below we’ve shared our go to treatment for thicker Hair Using our Scrubtious Inc Onion Garlic Growth Serum :

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What’s up with Onion and Garlic ?

Can Onion and Garlic Oil stop hair shedding and boost hair growth?

Scrubtious Inc Aryuvedic Onion And Garlic Oil Scalp Massage:

This treatment is to be done at least Once a week , up to 3 times a weeks depending on your available time. I particularly do my Onion massage after prepooing my hair on my wash day . Some can tolerate an overnight treatment , However if you are sensitive to sulfur a 30 minute treatment will do !

What you need:

  • Onion/ Garlic Hair Oil Or Onion/ Garlic juice

  • a Plastic Cap

  • Scalp Massager or The Hands you were Blessed with :)

  1. After prepooing hair or Cowashing Lay with head slightly inverted .

  2. Using a applicator bottle or dropper , Distribute oils over scalp from crown to neck .

  3. Massage Juice or Oil Onto scalp for 10 to 15 minutes using hands or Massager. Remember to avoid getting liquid into eyes and to focus on scalp.

  4. Place plastic Cap onto hair and sit for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo /Condition as usual. remember to seal hair with a oil of your choosing to insure continued moisture.

These are not overnight results and diligence is key to seeing results with this treatment. After about 4 weeks of use you will star to see a thickening of your hair and increased shine. Enjoy!